On August 1st, the same day Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger laid-off and slashed state workers’ pay because of California’s budget crisis, Boone Pickens’ Proposition 10’s supporters chose to spend their time launching false malicious personal attacks against me, a private citizen who dared to express an opinion, rather than spending their time and energy explaining to California taxpayers why we should support a ballot measure that the California Legislative Analyst has determined will deplete another $300+ million dollars per year from our state’s already busted budget for the next 30 years. I guess that’s why even the Republican Party of Placer County is against Prop 10. Good work.
Let’s be clear: I’m a private citizen expressing my own opinion, and I stand by every word I’ve written about Prop 10. You can disagree with my opinion if you want, but for anyone to try to smear me personally by posting lies and slinging mud all over the web is not only disgusting, it’s what I’ve heard political pundits call “getting off-message”. As much as I hate reading lies about me, keep posting them, because that’s how you lose elections. And in my opinion, Prop 10 deserves to lose. So in the infamous words of President George W. Bush, “Bring it on.”
While I’m not a member of any organized group opposing Prop 10, I’m not the only one who thinks Prop 10 is bad for California taxpayers, Everybody is Against Prop 10.